March 2019
March 2019
为了更好地服务在海外的客户,勉励龙在2019年于越南北江市越安区购置了351公顷土地用于建设我们海外的分厂,新厂厂址交通便利,毗邻A1高速公路,到首都河内以及内排国际机场只是仅仅40公里,到海防港口也只是110公里。我们预计勉励龙胶片中心将会在2020年4月投产,第一期会有两条PET生产线投入生产,预计到年底会再增加两台设备,每月产能达到1800吨。23 March 2015
欧盟于2015年3月13日发布EN 71-1:2014、EN71-3:2013 + A1 2014 和EN 71-14:2014正式成为新玩具指令2009/48/EC协调标准的官方公告。旧版本标准(EN71-3:2013 和 EN71-1:2011+A3:2014)将于2016年2月29日被正式取代。查看相关内容15 March 2015
勉励龙于2015年3月15日(星期日)参于新界区百万行。于白石角海滨长廊起步,沿吐露港单车径,步行至大埔海滨公园盏恪2坏赝拘郎屯侣陡塾琶谰吧嗫砂镏缁嵘嫌行枰娜耸浚芄徊斡胝獯斡幸庖宓幕疃颐侨就旅欠浅?摹B废呷坛ぴ�5.5公里,步毕全程约2小时。 Mineron took place in the New Territories Walk on 15 March 2015 (Sunday) from Pak Shek Kok Promenade to Tai Po Waterfront Park. We not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way, but also it could help those who are in needs in the community. We were very happy for participating in the meaningful activity together. Route distance was approximately 5.5km and it took about two hours.14 February 2015
18 December 2014
欧洲化学署 (ECHA) 于欧盟时间2014年12月17日正式公告,授权物质候选清单新增项的第十二批高度关注物质,截至目前授权物质候选清单已有161项的SVHC物质。 查看相关内容8 October 2014
The recycling rate for PET packaging was 31.2% in 2013, which is up slightly from 2012's 30.8%, according to a report from The National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) and The Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR). Communities in the U.S. collected more PET bottles than ever before in 2013, with a total of 1,798 million pounds. Total PET used in the production of U.S. bottles in 2013 was also higher at 5,764 million pounds, despite sales declines in some beverage market sectors. These bottles included a record 475 million pounds of recycled PET content. 查看相关内容3 October 2014
For the second year in a row, plastics are helping DC Comics superheroes in their fight against crime. In September, DC will release 41 special issues of their comics with lenticular 3-D motion covers made from amorphous PET film. The event is part of DC’s Futures End promotion, which takes the storylines of characters like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman five years into the future. 查看相关内容20 August 2014
Another alcohol brand has looked beyond glass to offer a new line in PET packaging. Andrew Peller Limited has introduced skinnygrape spritzers in a 330ml barrier PET bottle from Amcor Rigid Plastics. The beverage was previously only available as a low-calorie wine in a 750ml glass bottle. 查看相关内容